Thursday, June 28, 2007

Out with the Old and In With the New

So I had to have our old family cat put down this week. Jasper was somewhere between 16-20 years old and we had owned him for about 7 years. He had really been slowing down over the past 6 months and we felt he didn't have too many more years left but seemed healthy. Well this week he started throwing up blood all over and just laying around not wanting to move. We knew this was the time so we had him put down at the local vet.

We have another cat that is about 1 year old but with Jasper gone we needed another cat to fill his place. My wife wanted to go as soon as possible so we packed up the kids and headed to PetSmart who houses cats for local humane societies. We found a cat that my wife and daughter likes and adopted him. He is a little white and tan cat that is 8 weeks old.

It has been fun already trying to get our current cat to accept the new one but my daughter loves her new cat. I am sure the two will get together soon just fine.


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Monday, June 25, 2007

Baby Back Ribs!

I BBQed up some baby back ribs this weekend and damn where they good. Found a recipe online for a rub and one of my grilling books for the BBQ sauce. I also cooked up the corn and bread on the grill as well.

The grill was able to hold to racks of ribs, 10 ears of corn and a loaf of bread. We will be eating on those ribs all week!


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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Chocolate Chip Cookies

My wife makes the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. Whenever she makes them I end up eating way too many, I guess that is one of the reasons I have a gut. It is always a hit too when I bring them in for Brad and Brye so I try to bring in a bag before I eat them all. Sorry Steve now that you are in Portland you don't get any more of my cookies.

I am not sure what I like better though, my wife's chocolate chip cookies or her fresh baked pie. Mmmmmmmm Pie! It is good having a wife that can cook and bake wonderfully tasty things.

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Well I am on this selling binge trying to get rid of extra stuff around the house and make some money in the process. My wife has a bunch of nursing books from when she was going to school as an LPN. These books are still in use for some nursing programs so I was looking for a way to make some money back on them.

One of my friends told me to put them on which is run by eBay and man is it slick. You just need the ISBN # and it puts in the picture and description for you. Also it gives you average sale price and last sale price for these books. I would recommend to anyone, sounds like they also reimburse you for shipping so we will see how it goes.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Bud Ice Penguin Commercials

These are classic.

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Kids are Growing Up Fast

My daughter is growing up so fast I can't believe it. She can go through all of her ABCs, she can count to 10 in Spanish and English. She has a wonderful imagination and just loves when you read her books. She isn't even 3 yet and just seems so smart.

My son just turned 1 and he is climbing on everything, walking every chance he can get and just trying to get into trouble. The other day he climbed the stairs all the way to the 2nd floor, never was able to get over the 2nd stair before that. He loves to stomp and kick everything in site, way more energy than my daughter had. He is a handful.

It is great having kids, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Old Company Bought Out

The old company I worked for named NorthernPCS which was a SprintPCS affiliate in Minnesota has been bought out by Sprint Corp. Sad to hear that it is going corporate but knew it would happen, NorthernPCS is a great company and I love working for them.

I left like many other people because I knew this was going to happen sooner than later. NorthernPCS was one of the few affiliates left standing, one of the best too. Good to all you NorthernPCS employees in your future endeavors.

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Selling on Craigslist

So I posted stuff to sell on craigs list for the first time. They have a pretty easy you use interface and no fee to sell your stuff. I watch it all the time but have never sold anything before. I had a ton of stuff left from the garage sale we had.

Only time will tell if the stuff really sells.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Outdoor Cat


We now have an outdoor cat that either we have adopted or he has adopted us. One day this little tom showed up and he has been hanging around ever since. It has been about a month now, he sleeps in our bushes in the back yard. Whenever you go outside he comes by to get pet. My daughter named him "flower" so that is his name.

We haven't officially adopted him or anything just give him some food and water every once in a while.

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Boat - New Floor Installed

I installed a new plywood floor in my boat and now it is ready for indoor/outdoor carpet, and seats. I used 3/4" treated plywood for the flooring. It is quite stable and heavy as hell. I should have taken more pictures after I ripped out all the rotten wood from the old floor but I do have some before and after pictures to look at. I will continue to update as the boat repairs go on.


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Monday, June 11, 2007

Dog - Finally Not Sick Anymore

So have three hellish days of the dog crapping all over the floor she has stopped doing it. I don't know what got her sick but I am not taking any chances for a while. She used to get all of our table scraps but now they all go right into the garbage disposal.

I need to get her in for some shots and get her tested for heart worm. More money I don't want to spend on her.

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Boat - Finally got it registered

I was able to get my boat registered in my name this weekend and the new registration sticker is good until 2009. I bought this boat for cheap and I am fixing it up. I wasn't going to spend any more money on it if I couldn't get it registered.

I wasn't sure I was going to be able to since the guy I bought it from lose all the documentation he had on it and he moved to AZ. Now I just have to get it useable.

Old Post on the Boat


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Friday, June 8, 2007

Storms with a Big Bark and Small Bite

So there was a big build-up to the storms that were rolling into Minnesota yesterday and as always not much happened around here. All week they were talking about heavy thunderstorms coming and the day before both of the Dakotas where covered in thunderstorms. I love thunderstorms so I was hoping we would really get something this time.

So I am watching radar and it looks like we might get hit by at least a few cells, not long lasting but looked like fun. Well everything was pretty dark but all we got out of it was lots of wind and a little rain. Not even enough rain to empty out of the rain gauge.

It really seems like all of the storms hit southern Minnesota and nothing ever comes though central Minnesota. I am not saying I want tornados or tennis balls size hail but it is nice to have some big boomers come through. Oh well always next time.

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My Dog is Getting on My Nerves

So I have had to clean up 4 major accidents in my kitchen from my dog in the past 3 days. My patience is wearing quite thin with her. I need to call the vet and see if there is something I can do to stop this. If she had a dog house outside that is where she would be staying right now.

I still think keeping her in the garage for a while might be the way to go.

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Dogs - Are they really worth it?

So the last two morning I have woke up to a really fun sight. My dog has had diarea in the kitchen. So before my first cup of coffee, before I really wake up I have to get the bleach out and wipe up that mess. It is wonderful being the first person up in the morning.

If I wake up to it tomorrow that dog is staying out in the garage at night from now on. Give me a break two nights in a row!!! I have to get it extra clean too because my son crawls all over the floor.

That is one thing to think about when getting a big dog, when they get sick they make a huge mess!

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

My New Grill


Well the garage sale went well and I got my new grill. It is pretty sweet, I have done two all day cookouts on it so far. The first weekend I smoked a Pork Butt for 8 1/2 hours, it was so tender you could cut it with a fork. Then last weekend I smoked a Beef Brisket for about 5 hours and it came out with a get smoky flavor.

I am continuing to try out new meats and new wood for the smoking. With this unit you can cook with direct heat or indirect heat. It is a big upgrade from my old piece of crap grill I got for free 7 years ago.

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