Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bush Doesn't Care About Children

So it doesn't get much lower than denying our children health care. President Bush has decided to veto a bill that would extend healthcare coverage to 4 million kids for an extra $25 billion over 5 years. This is too much money according to Bush. In the same breath he is asking for $200 Billion for part of 1 year for our war in Iraq. Good thing his war is more important than our children.

I am sorry most things Bush does I disagree with but this is over the line. I guess he has no heart and maybe no soul. I hope the Republicans and Democrats in congress can pull together on this issue and throw that veto back in his face. Congress it is time to stand up and get a backbone against Bush. If we can't help our kids what future are we going to have?

AP Article

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