Thursday, July 5, 2007

BBQ for the 4th of July

BBQed for 9 hours yesterday, I cooked a turkey on the grill for the first time. Did it real slow with indirect charcoal and smoked it with apple wood. I basted it in butter about every hour. The turkey came out pretty good, I had a little bit of a hard time not overcooking the breast while still getting the legs done. The turkey legs are typically about 20 degrees behind the breast and you want both of them to end up at about 165. Problem is by the time you get the legs to 165 the breast is at 185 and getting too done. We tin foiled the breast when it reached 165 and finished the legs, seemed to work pretty good.

The favor was wonderful, I think I really like the apple wood. After about hour 8 I was looking up ways to get both the breast and the legs done at the same time and found a trick I might use next time. Cool the breast with an ice pack while the rest of the turkey is at room temperature before putting it on the grill. You want to make up this 20 degree difference in cooking speeds so if the breast is 20 degrees cooler they both should get to 165 at about the same time.


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